Friday, December 17, 2010

Jane Austen gets Google doodle tribute

Jane Austen as portrayed by Anne Hathaway in Becoming Jane (2007).

Google's home page is festooned today with a doodle to celebrate the 235th birthday of novelist Jane Austen. A Regency couple – most likely the novelist's most celebrated characters, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice – are pictured taking a stroll through the English countryside, eyeing each other rather coyly, in the illustration on the search engine's site.

Google makes a habit of marking literary anniversaries, among others, and has already featured Robert Louis Stevenson's 160th (13 November) and Agatha Christie's 120th (15 September) this autumn.

Austen is another writer who hardly needs further publicity, with novels Рincluding Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Persuasion and Mansfield Park Рthat remain widely read, and so frequently adapted on film and TV that they have almost become a costume drama clich̩.

Often represented as a "romantic" writer, Austen's books in fact contain much comic but biting social satire, and reflections on the chances and choices of women whose options in life are severely limited. Accusations by Oxford professor Kathryn Sutherland earlier this autumn that her famously crisp prose style owed as much to her editor William Gifford as to her own talents have been rebuffed by other Janeites, leaving her reputation as the queen of elegant prose unsullied.

The author herself was born in 1775, one of eight children born to a clergyman, growing up in a close-knit family. She began to write as a teenager and, despite attachments, never married, living instead with her mother and sister Cassandra.

Austen's first book, Sense and Sensibility, about two sisters with contrasting temperaments, appeared in 1811. It was published anonymously, with Austen's brother Henry helping her negotiate with the publisher.

Then followed Pride and Prejudice, a tale of two warring lovers with an opening line - "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" - which has since become Austen's best known quotation. Pride and Prejudice was very favourably reviewed and described by the author as her "own darling child." It remains Austen's most widely-read work, regularly chosen as readers' all-time favourite, with the haughty lover Mr Darcy, who is humbled by high-spirited Elizabeth Bennet, popularly characterised as the epitome of the desirable romantic hero.

Mansfield Park followed in 1814, with Emma – the tale of wilful Emma Woodhouse, who meddles in other people's love lives but remains woefully ignorant of her own heart – published in 1816. Austen died in 1817, with her two remaining finished novels – Northanger Abbey, a satire on gothic romances, and Persuasion, a sombre tale of lost youth and missed chances – both published posthumously.

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